No User is an Island – Relational Disclosure as a Regulatory Strategy To Promote Informed Consent (Law & Privacy International Conference, April 21st 2021)
On April 21st, from 9 to 14, the University of Valencia will host (online) the Law & Privacy International Conference; Antonio Davola will deliver a guest speech entitled “No User is an Island – Relational Disclosure as a Regulatory Strategy To Promote Informed Consent”. Participation in the Conference is free of charge; yet, registration is required […]
Webinar “Researching Discrimination in E-Commerce and Online Advertising” (4-5 Mar. 2021)
On March 4th and 5th, Antonio Davola participated in the “Researching Discrimination in E-Commerce and Online Advertising” Webinar organized by the University of Maastricht. On the second day of the Webinar, Antonio presented his research paper on “Fostering Consumer Protection in the Granular Market”. The program of the event is available at this link . […]
Artificial Intelligence and Financial Markets (Bocconi, 25 Feb. 2021)
On Feb. 25, Antonio Davola held a class at Bocconi University, Milan on “Artificial Intelligence and Financial Markets”. The class was part of the “Emerging Digital Technologies and the Law” course taught by Professor Maria Lilla’ Montagnani. The video-registration of the lesson is available at this link.
Technological innovation in creditworthiness assessment
Abstract Consumer scores describe individuals or groups in order to predict, on the basis of their data, behaviors and outcomes. Scores use information about consumer characteristics and attributes by means of statistical models that produce a range of numeric scores, and they proliferate in day-to-day interactions: in the US only, roughly 140 scoring algorithms are […]
From the Black swan, to the Snowball
Risks of Covid-19 pandemic for consumer credit scores in the lack of a harmonized regulatory intervention ABSTRACT In light of the harmful and wide-ranging effect of the coronavirus pandemic, many governments in the European territory and on the global framework rushed to introduce forms of financial support for those groups that are susceptible to be […]
Shortcut or sleight of hand?
Why the checklist approach in the EU Guidelines does not work by: Antonio Davola, Emily Black, Kalervo Gulson, Geoffrey Rockwell, Evan Selinger and Elana Zeide What we did In April 2019, the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI) nominated by the EU Commission released the “Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence”, followed in June […]